About us
Welcome to the page of LEAF Lab!
LEAF represents four types of skills that are invaluable in the machine learning related research,
including Learning, Exploring, Analyzing, and Formulating.
In LEAF lab, we are interested in data mining, machine learning and natural language processing with
particular applications in healthcare domain. We conduct fundamental research and develop advanced methods
to solve challenges in healthcare. We perform data annotations and create high-quality data for the community
to design and test advanced machine learning models.
We also develop tools to support and demonstrate our research and
make them fun and easy to use for people to learn and explore.
If you are interested in learning more about our research, collaborating, or joining the LEAF lab, please feel free to email
Dr. Ping Wang at ping.wang [at] stevens.edu.
- 11/2024: Vision paper about NLQ on NoSQL databases accepted by MMAI workshop in BigData 2024.
- 10/2024: Paper about student sentiment on mental health support in colleges accepted by BigData 2024.
- 10/2024: Paper about NLQ on domain-specific NoSQL database with LLMs accepted by BIBM 2024.
- 08/2024: Welcome Tiansui Xie to join the LEAF Lab!
- 05/2024: Congratulations to Palak Sood on graduating and receiving the Outstanding MS Thesis Award!
- 04/2024: Proposal about question to ElasticSearch query generation selected for AIRS Fellowship.
- 12/2023: Invited talk in CS 101 Research and Entrepreneurship in Computing at CS@Stevens.
- 11/2023: Paper about depression detection from narrative interviews accepted by BIBM 2023.
- 11/2023: Invited talk at the Department of Data Science at NJIT.
- 10/2023: Proposal about advancing justice, equity, and empowerment in mental health in STEM selected as the workshop in 2023 LeadHERship Conference.
- 09/2023: Paper about semi-structured automatic ICD coding accepted by NeurIPS 2023.
- 08/2023: Paper about multi-label clinical time-series generation via conditional GAN by TKDE.
- 08/2023: Paper about task as context data annotation for inter-dependent tasks accepted by HCOMP 2023.
- 07/2023: Paper about natural language querying on NoSQL database accepted by ACM BCB 2023.
- 06/2023: Received NSF CRII award on the project about
reasoning argumented searching. Thanks, NSF!
- 03/2023: Recognized for excellence in teaching in Fall 2022.
- 02/2023: Demo paper about an interactive tool for event detection exploration accepted by ACM IUI.